Nobel Prize - Key Points One Must Know
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Nobel Prize was set up based on the wish and will written by Alfred Nobel.
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Alfred Nobel was a famous scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and businessman also. He has given the majority of his wealth to the Noble Prize.

The interest earned on the Alfred Noble Doated Money is used to fund the Nobel Prizes.

Maximum 3 people can share the Nobel Prize. An organization can also be awarded in case of a peace Prize. Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumouslyPhoto CR: Wikimedia Commons

The Nobel Prizes will be awarded every year and these awards were started  in the year 1901
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Nobel Prizes were not awarded due to World War reasons, during World War I (1914-1918) and II (1939-1945)
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The Nobel Prize will be given in the categories of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace – as wished by Alfred Nobel in his Will.
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Since 1968 Noble Prize was being awarded in Economic Sciences also. It was started by Sweden’s Central Bank.
 Photo CR: @Nobel Prize Twitter 

The Nobel Prize For Peace Will Be Decided By A Committee Of 5 Members. The Members Of The Committee Will Be Elected By The Norwegian Parliament.
Photo CR: @Nobel Prize 

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences selects for the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry. The Swedish Academy selects the Nobel Prize in Literature
Photo CR: @Nobel Prize 

The Nobel Day – 10th December - the Death
Anniversary of Alfred Nobel – Nobel Prizes will be presented on this day. 

Photo CR: @Nobel Prize 