What is PM Kisan Yojana 2022
“Pradhan Mantri KIsan SAmman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)” PM Kisan Yojana is a programme set up by the Government of India. It’s a Central Sector scheme with 100% funding from the central government.
PM Kisan Yojana programme was set up and has become operational from 1.12.2018.
All land holding farmers will get income support of Rs.6000/- per year. This amount will be given to all eligible farmers in three equal instalments. Each every 4-month / trimester, i.e. April-July, August-November and December-March.
Husband, wife and minor children who collectively own cultivable land as per land records of the concerned State/UT shall form a family under this scheme.
The cut-off date is 01-02-2019 for the determination of the eligibility of beneficiaries under this scheme. No changes after the cut off date shall be considered for eligibility of benefits under the scheme for the next 5 years.
However, this date is not applicable when the transfer of ownership of cultivable land takes place on account of succession due to death.
Farmer families will be identified by State Government and UT administration who are eligible as per the scheme for financial support.
Under this scheme, the fund will be directly credited into the beneficiary farmer’s account.

Objective of PM Kisan Yojana
The main objective of the Pradhan Mantri KIsan SAmman Nidhi PM KISAN Yojana is to enhance the income of the Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs). With this main motive, the Government launched the New Central Sector Scheme, namely, “Pradhan Mantri KIsan SAmman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)” in the year 2018.
The PM KISAN scheme intends to supplement the financial needs of the Small and Marginal Farmers SMFs in the procurement of various inputs to ensure proper crop health and appropriate yields. It will depend upon the estimated/anticipated income a the end of each crop cycle.
The PM KISAN will also protect the Small and Marginal Farmers SMFs from falling into the hands of the Moneylenders for meeting their inputs for farming and ensuring their continuance in the farming activities.
PM Kisan Yojana Scheme Exclusion
The following categories of beneficiaries of higher economic status shall not be eligible for benefits under the scheme.
1 All Institutional Landholders.
2 Farmer families belong to one or more of the following categories:
- Those Formers who are holding constitutional posts at present or previously.
- Previous and current Ministers/ State Ministers and former/current Members of LokSabha/ RajyaSabha/ State Legislative Assemblies/ State Legislative Councils, former and current Mayors of Municipal Corporations, former and current Chairpersons of District Panchayats.
- All serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries /Offices/Departments and its field units Central or State PSEs and Attached offices /Autonomous Institutions under Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies
(Excluding Multi Tasking Staff /Class IV/Group D employees) - All superannuated/retired pensioners whose monthly pension is Rs.10,000/-or more (Excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class IV/Group D employees) of the above category
- All Persons who paid Income Tax in the last assessment year
- Professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Architects are registered with Professional bodies and carry out the profession by undertaking practices.
PM Kisan Portal
To make an integrated platform available in the country to assist in benefit transfer, a platform named PM Kisan Portal has been set up by the Government of India. PM Kisan Portal http://pmkisan.gov.in has been launched for uploading the farmers’ details at a single web portal in a uniform structure throughout the country.
Objectives of launching PM Kisan Portal:
i) To provide a verified and single source of truth on farmers’ details at the portal.
ii) Timely assistance to the farmers in the farm operation
iii) A unified e-platform for transferring cash benefits into a farmers bank account through Public Financial Management System (PFMS) integration.
iv) Location wise availability of benefited farmers’ list.
v) Ease of monitoring across the country on fund transaction details.
How to Register as a Former
The farmer who wishes to register as a New Farmer in PM Kisan Yojana can visit https://pmkisan.gov.in/RegistrationFormnew.aspx. After login select, the Urbal Farmer Registration or Rural Farmer Registration, and select the language from the drop down menu. Then the Farmer has to enter his/her Aadhar Number, and Mobile Number, select the State from the drop down list, enter the image text then submit. OTP will be received on the given mobile number.

How to complete KYC in PM Kisan Yojana
KYC is MANDATORY for PM Kisan Yojana Registered Farmers. OTP Based KYC is available on PMKISAN Portal. Alternatively, the Farmers can visit the nearest Authorised CSC Centre in their area and offline KYC can get it done by the CSC Centre representative by Biometric based KYC.
Online KYC

Online KYC can be verified once the person has registered as a farmer in the PM Kisan Yojana. The Farmer has to visit the PM Kisan Portal or alternately check here https://exlink.pmkisan.gov.in/aadharekyc.aspx to complete the OTP based KYC.
After login into the above link submit the Farmer Aadhar Number and submit. Then the screen will be opened up with the Farmer details. All the details are to be verified and if found ok then submit. Then OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number, which needs to be entered on the screen. Once OTP is submitted message will come your KYC is complete.
Status of Self Registered Farmer/Through CSC
The status of the Self Registered Farmer or Farmer Registered Through CSC can be checked by login into https://pmkisan.gov.in/FarmerStatus.aspx. Enter the Farmers Aadhar Number, image text and submit. The status will get displayed on the screen.
Edit Self-Registered Farmer Details
The details of the Self Registered Farmer in PM Kisan Yojana can be edited by login into the link: https://pmkisan.gov.in/SearchSelfRegisterfarmerDetails.aspx.
Enter the Aadhar Number of the Farmer, and the image code and submit search. The farmer registration details will get populated on the screen. Any changes required can be edited and submitted by entering the OTP received on the registered mobile number.
How to Check the Beneficiary Status of the PM Kisan Yojana
To check the Beneficiary Status of the PM Kisan Yojana registered former log on to https://pmkisan.gov.in/BeneficiaryStatus.aspx. Then the farmer can enter the registered mobile number, or PM Kisan Yojana Registered Number then enter the image code shown on the screen and submit. Then the data will be shown about the farmer’s beneficiary status on the screen.
How to check the Beneficiary List
Alternatively, the Registered Farmer has the option to check the beneficiary list of PM Kisan Yojana in his particular village by logging on to https://pmkisan.gov.in/Rpt_BeneficiaryStatus_pub.aspx. Log on to the Link then Select the State, District, Select Sub District/Block, Select Village then Submit. The list of beneficiaries in that particular village will get displayed on the screen.
How to have the PM Kisan Yojana Mobile App
To have the up to date information about the PM Kisan Yojana, to verify the status on the go the Farmers can check the PM Kisan Yojana Mobile Application onto their mobile apps by logging on to the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nic.project.pmkisan
Alternatively, they can save the application from the Google Play Store on an android mobile phone.
PM Kisan Yojana Help Desk
PM Kisan Yojana Help Line Number
PM-KISAN Help Desk |
PM-Kisan Helpline No: 011-24300606,155261 |
Help-Desk |
Aadhaar OTP related issue – aead[at]nic[dot]in |
The Farmers can register their grievances, and queries at the PM Kisan Yojana Website https://pmkisan.gov.in/Grievance.aspx
After logging on to the link enter your registration number, and registered mobile number to submit the query.
1. What is PM Kisan Yojana?
PM Kisan Yojana is a central government scheme launched by the Government of India in the Year 2018. Under this scheme, the eligible Small and Marginal Farmers will get Rs.6000/- in 3 installments from the Government of India. This amount is for the procurement of various Agri inputs useful for the farmers.
2. Who is eligible for PM Kisan Yojana?
Any former family in India subject to certain exclusions is eligible to apply for PM Kisan Yojana. A farmer family comprising of husband, wife and minor children who own cultivable land as per land records of the concerned State/UT is eligible for PM Kisan Yojana
3. How to apply for PM Kisan?
Eligible farmers can apply to PM Kisan by logging on to the PM Kisan Yojana Website can apply online or they can visit the nearest authorized CSC centres to apply offline.
4. Can the details provided on the PM Kisan Registration be changed?
Yes. Log on to the PM Kisan website. On the right side of Farmer Corner, there will be a section Open the Updation of the Self Registered Farmer. A new screen will be opened.
Enter the Aadhar Number of the Farmer, and the image code and submit search. The farmer registration details will get populated on the screen. Any changes required can be edited and submitted by entering the OTP received on the registered mobile number.
5. PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiary Status?
To check the Beneficiary Status of the PM Kisan Yojana registered former log on to https://pmkisan.gov.in/BeneficiaryStatus.aspx.
Then the farmer can enter the registered mobile number, or PM Kisan Yojana Registered Number then enter the image code shown on the screen and submit. Then the data will be shown about the farmer’s beneficiary status on the screen.
6. How to check the PM Kisan Yojana beneficiary list?
The beneficiary list of PM Kisan Yojana in a particular village by logging on to https://pmkisan.gov.in/Rpt_BeneficiaryStatus_pub.aspx. Log on to the Link then Select the State, District, Select Sub District/Block, Select Village then Submit.
The list of beneficiaries in that particular village will get displayed on the screen.
7. Is it mandatory to complete KYC to get the PM Kisan Yojana benefits?
Now for every PM Kisan Yojana Registered Farmer, it is mandatory to complete the KYC to get the benefits of PM Kisan Yojana
8. How to do KYC in PM Kisan Yojana?
The farmers can do online KYC by logging on to the PM Kisan Yojana Website. Or otherwise, they can approach the nearest authorized CSC centre and can complete the Biometric based Offline KYC with the help of a CSC representative.
9. In how many instalments the PM Kisan Yojana amount will be given to the farmers?
All land holding farmers will get income support of Rs.6000/- per year by the PM Kisan Yojana. This amount will be given to all eligible farmers in three equal instalments. Each every 4-month / trimester, i.e. April-July, August-November and December-March.
10. When was PM Kisan Yojana was launched?
The PM Kisan Yojana was launched on 01-12-2018
11. When will the next instalment of the PM Kisan Yojana be released?
The PM Kisan Yojana next instalment will be released in the month of October 2022.
12. Till now how many instalments of the PM Kisan Yojana Completed?
Till now 11 instalments completed in the PM Kisan Yojana starting from 01-12-2018.
13. What are the requirements for registering with PM Kisan Yojana?
Aadhar Card, Mobile Number, Name and Address details
14. How the PMKisan Yojana benefit will be given?
The benefit amount of PM Kisan yojana will get credited directly into the farmer’s bank account
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