UPSSSC PET Admit Card 2022
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission Preliminary Eligibility Test UPSSSC PET admit card has been released by the UPSSSC.
Candidates can print the Admit card for the UPSSSC PET examination from the UPSSSC WEBSITE.

How to take UPSSSC PET Admit Card
Log on to the
Enter the Candidate Registration Number, Enter the Candidate Date of Birth, and Gender, then enter the Verification Code then Submit.
The candidate then can print the Admit Card.
UPSSSC PET Examination Date
UPSSSC will conduct the PET Examination on the 15, and 16th of October 2022. The Examination will be conducted at various examination centres throughout Uttar Pradesh. The candidate has to print the admit card, and verify the examination centre and has to attend the examination at the specified Date and Time.
The examination will be conducted at 2 Time Slots. Slot 1 will be 10.00 am to 12.00 am. Slot 2 will be 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm

UPSSSC PET 2022 Method of Selection
Based on the Preliminary Examination Test PET only those candidates who score well in UPSSSC PET 2022 will be eligible for the Group B & Group C Main Exam.
It is mandatory to Enrol, Appear and Qualify in the PET to be eligible for the Group B and Group C Examinations. So it is mandatory to enrol, and appear for the PET Exam.
The Method of selection will be as follows:
1. Enroll, Appear, and Qualify in the PET Written Examination
2. Appear for the Main Exam for a particular vacancy
3. Interview/Skill Test
4. Document Verification
UPSSSC PET 2022 Exam Pattern
The exam pattern for the PET is as follows:
- The PET exam is of objective type multiple choice questions
- The exam will be for 2 Hrs duration
- The exam comprises 100 Questions.
- 1/4 th of the allotted marks will be debited for each wrongly answered Question (Negative Marks)
- The difficulty of questions for topics from sr. no. 1 to 9 shall be as per NCERT Secondary/Senior Secondary level.
Sr. No. | Subject | Marks |
1 | India History | 5 |
2 | Indian National Movement | 5 |
3 | Geography | 5 |
4 | Indian Economy | 5 |
5 | Indian Constitution & Public Administration | 5 |
6 | General Science | 5 |
7 | Elementary Arithmetic | 5 |
8 | General Hindi | 5 |
9 | General English | 5 |
10 | Logic & Reasoning | 5 |
11 | Current Affairs | 10 |
12 | General Awareness | 10 |
13 | Analysis of Hindi Unread Passage – 2 Passages | 10 |
14 | Graph Interpretation – 2 Graphs | 10 |
15 | Table Interpretation & Analysis – 2 Tables | 10 |
Total | 100 |
UPSSSC PET 2022 Syllabus
1. Indian History
- Indus valley civilization
- Vedic civilization
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Mauryan empire
- Gupta empire
- Harshavardhan
- Rajput era
- Sultanate era
- Mughal Empire
- Maratha empire
- British Rule and 1st war of independence
- The social and economic impact of British rule
2. Indian National Movement
- The initial stage of the freedom movement
- Swadeshi and civil disobedience movement – Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders role
- Revolutionary movement and rise of militant nationalism
- Farewell amendment and British India Act 1935
- Quit India movement, Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
3. Geography
- Indian and World Geography
- Rivers
- Water resources
- Mountains & glaciers
- Desert & dry areas
- Forest
- Mineral resources
- Political geography of India & world
- Climate
- Time zone
- Demographics & migrations
4. Indian Economy
- Indian Economy (1947 to 1991)
- The planning commission and 5-year plans
- Development of mixed economy: Private & Public
- Green revolution
- White revolution & operation flood
- Banking nationalization
- LPG reforms of 1991
- Economic reforms post 2014
- Farm reforms
- Structural reforms
- Labour reforms
- Economic reforms
5. Indian Constitution & Public Administration
- Indian Constitution
- Salient Features
- Directive principles
- Fundamental rights & duties
- Parliamentary system
- The federal system, Union Govt & UR, Union Govt & States
- Judicial Framework
- District Administration
- Local bodies and Panchayat Raj
6. General Science
- Basic Physics
- Basic Chemistry
- Basic Biology
7. Elementary Arithmetic
- Whole numbers, fractions and decimals
- Percentage
- Simple arithmetic equations
- Square & square roots
- Exponent and powers
- Average
8. General Hindi
- संधि
- विलोमशब्द
- पर्यायवाचीवाक्यांशोंकेलिएएकशब्द
- लिंग
- समश्रुतभिन्नार्थकशब्द
- मुहावरे-लोकोक्तियां
- सामान्यअशुद्धियां
- लेखकऔररचनाएं (Prose & Poetry)
9. General English
- English Grammar
- Questions on passages
10. Logic & Reasoning
- Order & ranking
- Blood relations
- Calendar & watch
- Cause & effect
- Coding decoding
- Conclusive reasoning, etc.
11. Current Affairs
- National current affairs
- International current affairs
12. General Awareness
- India’s neighbours
- Countries, Capitals & Currencies
- The Indian States & UTs
- Indian Parliament
- Days of National & International importance
- World organizations & HQs
- Indian tourism destinations
- Indian art & culture
- Indian & International Sports
- Indian research institutes
- Books & authors
- Awards & honours
- Climate change & environment
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